Getting Plugged In

We encourage members, supporters, and contributors to join the conversation through video calls and Zulip chat conversations. Always keep in mind the code of conduct.

General meetings

A great way to get involved with Drutopia is to join Agaric’s Show & Tell every Thursday at 3pm Eastern.

Newcomers and anyone who feels they need to catch up with what’s going on a bit are invited to join.


Agaric hosts a #Drutopia stream on the collective’s Zulip chat instance. Ask Agaric for an invite.

There is also a #Drutopia channel on the Drupal Slack.

Issue queues

The many projects that make up the Drutopia initiative are in the process of moving from having their primary homes in our group to being entirely handled on— see for a listing of the feature modules that make up Drutopia.

Post questions or feedback or requests to the queue of the relevant project; if you’re not sure you can always use the main Drutopia distribution issue queue:

Try searching the issues first— the legacy Gitlab group ones at or the full Drupal issue queue at


If you have any questions or trouble getting set up contact us at and we’d be happy to help.