Hosting with Ansible

All components of Drutopia hosting are public as free/libre open source software as part of our commitment to LibreSaaS.

But you don’t need to know about any of this to have a site on the Drutopia platform.

Nor do you need to use this approach to hosting your own Drutopia site(s), but you can!

As befitting techincal documentation, the main resource is the Drutopia Host README

Every site on the platform has the concept of a custom repository—which is used only to get configuration, templates, and other non-PHP theme files like CSS and JavaScript—and a drutopia_version which is where all the code is defined.

For a truly custom site, as part of Drutopia’s platform as a service or on your own server, you could have your site’s repository available as a drutopia_version within the host definition.

Here is the documentation for Drutopia’s private repository. This is for example only (or Drutopia maintainers) as the private hosting list of sites is indeed private.


In order to run builds for the official server(s):

  • If not already, clone drutopia_host

  • Clone this project into a subfolder of drutopia_host

  • Also clone the build_artifacts site under the drutopia_host project

The above can be done with these commands:

git clone
cd drutopia_host
git clone
git clone

The contents of drutopia_host should look like this:


Quick start:

You will have a deploy.log created automatically in the current folder. You may wish to occasionally move this out of the way as it will get rather large.

The commands here assume hosting_private is the current working folder.

cd hosting_private

Ensure you have connectivity and correctly configured your vault key, etc with:

ansible -i inventory_live -m ping all

Update the entire system (base software, all builds, all sites!). Diff is optional, but I like having it:

ansible-playbook -i inventory ../provision.yml --diff

Update a single member, using whatever builds already exist on the server:

ansible-playbook -i inventory_live ../provision.yml --diff -e "target_member=family_home_test" --tags=members

Individual builds can be updated and pushed to the server. Any builds marked not active will not build, but an individual one can also be targeted (i.e. skip all others) just like target_member:

ansible-playbook -i inventory_live ../provision.yml --diff -e "target_build=stable" --tags="build,push"

Configuration checks are performed prior to import. If a configuration was changed on the server, the site update will stop. To force it to continue, either config_import_force the option for the site, or force ALL sites to import config (recommed to use only when combined with target_member). ansible-playbook -i inventory_live ../provision.yml --diff -e "config_import_force_all=true,target_member=family_home_test" --tags=members

Primary tags

  • build - perform a local build of a drutopia version

  • push - place a build (must be built locally already) on the server. Does not deploy to any site.

  • members - configure sites including creating user/database/pushing user source/activating site/performing drupal actions.

  • setup - commonly skipped after an initial provisioning, as this wraps all the primary configuration of the server (install apache, mysql, etc) (Add target build)